Finden Sie schnell ingenieure feld für Ihr Unternehmen: 6 Ergebnisse



Seit 1994 begleiten wir erfolgreich namhafte Unternehmen und bieten für jedes Projekt das passende Personalkonzept.
Holistische Testing-Lösungen für modernste Softwareentwicklung

Holistische Testing-Lösungen für modernste Softwareentwicklung

Der rasant fortschreitende digitale Umbruch macht es für Unternehmen schwierig, adäquat auf aktuelle Trends zu reagieren. Neue Technologien wie Künstliche Intelligenz, IoT oder die Blockchain erfordern innovative Ideen, moderne Tools und zukunftsorientierte Testansätze. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie diese Technologien perfekt in Ihr Unternehmen integrieren und damit das Nutzererlebnis Ihrer Kunden nachhaltig verbessern. Gleichzeitig hilft Ihnen unser Expertenteam dabei, die Risiken der Ansätze bestmöglich abzuschätzen und Ihr Vorgehen zu optimieren.
Nemos Wave Energy Converter

Nemos Wave Energy Converter

SERVICES thec conducted a multi-body analysis comprising both the wave energy converter (WEC) and the submerged base part to assess loads on wires, mooring lines and anchors as well as motion trajectories of the innovative WEC system. Guide wires and power take-off (PTO) are modelled to accuaretly capture the motion behaviour. Latter is modelled including energy dissipation corresponding to the power generator behaviour. Required bollard pull of the tug used for transport was also assessed by thec.


CAD 3D-Zeichnungen und Berechnungen Wir legen Druckbehälter für Sie aus und berechnen die erforderlichen Wandstärken nach den gängigen Regelwerken. Die Konstruktion erfolgt bei uns mit dem 3D-CAD Programm Solid Works. Datenaustausch über STEP-Dateien ist meist problemlos möglich.
Golden Ray Wreck Removal

Golden Ray Wreck Removal

BACKGROUND The car carrier Golden Ray, a vessel of 200 m length, was put into service in 2016. On September 8th in 2019 the vessel capsized in the St. Simons Sound, Brunswick (Georgia, USA) loaded with 4200 cars. All personnel were rescued and the fuel bunkers were pumped empty before the salvage operation commenced. The salvage company T&T Salvage was awarded the wreck removal operation considering the concept of cutting the vessel in eight sections and piecewise lifting with the multi-hull heavy lift vessel VB-10,000. The final section was successfully lifted on October 16th in 2021. SERVICES thec was contracted by Combi Lift to perform engineering services related to various hydromechanical problems ranging from early feasibility studies in March 2020 to complex multi-body lifting analyses along the entire project. Twin Barge Multi-Body Parallel Mooring and Stability Verification During the early sourcing of transport assets for shipping the wreck sections, a twin barge concept was analyzed allowing the hire of two relatively small barges but with a resulting deck space and capacity for carrying Golden Ray wreck sections. For this study, thec has modeled the twin barge configuration in a multi-body configuration. The barges are connected at deck height using steel wire slings and compression only fender elements at the bottom. The barges are ballasted in a way to allow no relative motion and constantly achieve tension loads in the connecting slings while having the fendering under compression. For this multi-body configuration, sling loads, compression loads as well as stability was assessed applying extreme wind loads while reading reserve freeboard.
TetraSpar Floating Wind Turbine

TetraSpar Floating Wind Turbine

SERVICES Prior to its tow to the installation site, the TetraSpar demonstrator was moored to the quayside in Grenaa, Denmark. Based on DNV codes, thec assessed the utilization of mooring lines and bollards as well as excursions of the floating foundation under extreme wind conditions. Different line types were assessed to assist the team on site to choose the most suitable ones for mooring the TetraSpar demonstrator.